Instagram Auto Unfollow Tool

Use our Auto Unfollow tool alongside our Auto Follow module to keep your account performing at its best.

Our Auto Follow module will bring in the followers to your account, but as a result, you have to follow lots of unnecessary accounts.

With Auto Unfollow, you can now unfollow these accounts after a certain amount of time and keep your account streamlined.

Auto Follow Module

Works With Auto Follow Module

Tweak Options

10+ Options to Tweak

More Functions

Whitelist Function, API Settings & More

Keep Your Account Signals Strong

We all know that first impressions count on Instagram, so if it looks like you follow more users than are following you, people may be put off.

Your account metrics matter, and if your account number don’t add up, it could be a big red flag for potential followers.

In order to keep your account signals strong and attractive to the community, you need to use Masslooking’s unfollow module to keep your following count from becoming inflated.

Advanced Controls With Auto Unfollow

With over 10 advanced settings that are exclusive to the platform, out Auto Unfollow module get you the exact results that you want.

You can now tweak the following settings:

• Unfollow all or via Auto Follow module

• Unfollow min & max actions

• Unfollow delay between actions

• API access settings

• White list

This allow you to get the results that you want and means that you can grow your account how you want to.

Security As Standard

At, we design everything we do with security at the heart of it.

That is why we built the platform with security in mind every step of the way:

• Built-in proxy settings

• iOS & Android emulation to match your device

• Accelerator accounts to perform actions for your main accounts

• API access settings

• Secure login and platform access

Our security measures are unrivalled which ensures that your account is protected and never at risk of being banned.

The Best Instagram Auto Follow

Why settle for less when it comes to your Instagram account?

Use and get the best Instagram Auto Unfollow tool on the market, alongside the complete lineup, including Reactions PRO, Repost Pro, Auto Like and more.

Try it now from just 2.99 EUR and see exactly what our service can do for your Instagram account.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Auto Unfollow Work?
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Auto Unfollow is simple – it can work in conjunction with Auto Follow or as a standalone module, and will unfollow accounts based on your preferences.

Is the service safe?
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Thanks to our extensive security features, all of the Instagram bot modules are incredibly safe, with an extremely low chance of getting your account compromised.

Do I get fake followers?
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No, there are no fake accounts with our service, there are only real followers that make the conscious choice to follow you back.

Can I try it out?
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Yes! We offer a limited 24-hour trial for just 2.99 EUR so you can get ataste of the platform.

Still have questions?

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